Monday, February 24, 2014

Open Handgun License

Open hand gun license are really abad idea! I agree with Doug Goodgame about not having open-carry laws at all. The audience the author is trying to reach for is anyone in favor of this ridiculous law.  As of today, we have concealed handgun laws in Texas and by far we still have plenty of shootings in public places. Also, there is always someone one the news being accidentally shot by careless people playing with loaded weapons.  Think about it, like Mr. Goodgame claims, how many accidental shootings would happened at grocery stores with open-carry licenses while careless carriers show off their shiny new weapons to each other? The Austin Police Department is already trigger happy, what makes you think that a 21 year old would be more responsible? Let alone, you can’t even get discounted car insurance until you’re over 25! Women can’t drive, we all know this, what will they do with a loaded weapon when their feelings take over after catching her baby daddy at the mall with a side chick. There is plenty of evidence in the news and media that the majority of people are careless and unknowledgeable when it comes to artillery.  Texas law requires for concealed handgun licensees to be over the age of 21 or at least 18 years of age if currently serving in or honorably discharged from the military.  To be honorably discharged, service members rendered physically or psychologically incapable of performing assigned duties normally have their service characterized as honorable.  An 18 year old ex military soldier with an open-carry license, or any type of carry license would probably not be a good idea. The person could be suffering from PTSD or some type of mental disorder but might appear psychologically fine when receiving his license? I’m just saying, open carry licenses would NOT be a good idea for anybody. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Wrongfully Convicted

My article was on an interesting topic that caught my attention.  The article demonstrates how awful our penal system really is to naive people. In America, we are as they say, “innocent until otherwise proven guilty” in a court of law. I believe there should be better ways to identify the accused offenders before giving them their lengthy sentences. According to this story, the wrongfully convicted victim, Timothy Cole from Texas, was sentenced to 25 years in prison for a sexual assault he did NOT commit. He was identified by his “victim” during a line-up and was given his hefty sentence. Thirteen years later, the innocent man died of a heart attack in his own cell. Twenty-three years later after his conviction, the corrupted system used DNA evidence to prove that he was innocent this entire time. What devastation for the family and loved ones knowing someone they truly love is innocent locked up and then moved on. I wonder how many innocent lives are wrongfully convicted every day…